Solid Ground Curling (SGC)

The solid ground curing Process of the Israeli Firm Cubital employs a UV Lamp and a Light mask for the hardening process.

The process relies on 2 parallel work cycles:

1. In the masking cycle a pattern is developed on a Glass plate with a photo copier system and then after the light  process wiped clean.

2. The layer building cycle is a costly build process. The solidifying process surrounds the model with wax.  In the first step, a thin layer of hardened polymer is laid on the finished layers. This is exposed through the prepared Mask. Then, the unexposed liquid resin is sucked up, and a layer is complete. To remove the resin around the polymers and to guarantee the liability of the layers, afterwards the complete layer around a certain depth  is milled off. 

To finish the parts they must be cleaned by dissolving the wax shell by flushing it in a warm solution (for example, with lime extract).

Picture: Illustration of the Solid Ground Curing process


Advantages Disadvantages
  • High accuracy
  • Hohe Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit
  • Complete hardening of the complete volume (without after curing)
  • No support construction
  • Limited work materials and correspondingly limited properties
  • Too much cleaning of the partConstant resin waste independent from the size of the part, but rather in dependence with the number of layers
  • Large and heavy machines